The quality of life of children swimmers / Kvaliteta života djece plivača

Ruža-Jelena Stojić, Marija Lorger, Ivan Prskalo


 The subject of this study was the quality of life of children swimmers, aged 7-11 years (N=31, 16 girls and 15 boys) from two Swimming Clubs from Zagreb. The assessment of the quality of life was conducted with The Kidscreen – 10 questionnaire, which was used for the first time in Croatia for this study, on this population. The results showed a very high quality of life experience where the highest values were estimated variables related to education, health, family, school and friends, and the lowest variables related to low mood and loneliness. The reliability of the test was slightly worse than expected. This may be because the number of samples of children swimmers was low considering the number of questions and the fact that each particle represents one dimension of quality of life that is in other versions of the questionnaire described with a larger number of particles. By the factor analysis, five factors were obtained, but the most suitable for the analysis were the first factor (defined as a factor of friendship and good mood), and the fifth factor (defined as a factor of pleasure with leisure time, relationships in the family and success in the school). The results of t-test have shown statistically significant differences in regard to gender in the experience of success in school, while the results of discriminant analysis showed no statistically significant differences in the dimensions of quality of life in regard to gender. This may indicate that in the analysis of the sample considering its number, t-test is more sensitive.
Keywords: discriminant analysis; factor analysis; perception of quality of life; swimming training; t - test
Predmet ovog istraživanja bila je kvaliteta života djece plivača u dobi od 7 do 11 godina (N = 31, 16 djevojčica i 15 dječaka)  iz dva zagrebačka plivačka kluba. Procjena kvalitete života provedena je Upitnikom kvalitete života za djecu i adolescente The Kidscreen – 10, koji je za ovo istraživanje po prvi put korišten u Republici Hrvatskoj na ovoj populaciji. Rezultati su pokazali vrlo visok doživljaj kvalitete života pri čemu su najvišim vrijednostima procijenjene varijable vezane uz nastavu, zdravlje, obitelj, školu i prijatelje, a najnižim varijable vezane uz loše raspoloženje i usamljenost. Pouzdanost testa je nešto lošija nego što se očekivalo, vrlo vjerojatno zbog malog uzorka djece plivača s obzirom na broj pitanja te činjenici da svaka čestica predstavlja jednu dimenziju kvalitete života koja je u drugim verzijama upitnika opisana s većim brojem čestica. Faktorskom analizom izlučeno je pet faktora, od kojih su za analizu bili najpogodniji prvi faktor (definiran kao faktor druženja i dobrog raspoloženja ) i peti faktor (definiran kao faktor zadovoljstva slobodnim vremenom, odnosima u obitelji i uspjehom u školi). Rezultati t-testa pokazali su da statistički značajne razlika s obzirom na spol postoji u doživljaju uspjeha u školi, dok rezultati diskriminacijske analize nisu pokazali statistički značajne razlike u dimenzijama kvalitete života s obzirom na spol što ukazuje da je za analizu ovog uzorka s obzirom na njegovu brojnost osjetljiviji t- test.  
Ključne riječi: diskriminacijska analiza; faktorska analiza; percepcija kvalitete života; trening plivanja; t - test

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