Nowadays, the Internet is widely known to be the most effective and rapid web tool to access the knowledge away from traditional classroom instruction due to recent developments in telecommunications and Internet technology. Therefore, integration of these technologies with educational programmes is inevitable in order to increase the success and internalise knowledge. The aim of the study is to acquire in-depth knowledge about Turkish prospective preschool teachers’ attitudes regarding their Internet use. For this purpose, the “Internet Use Attitude Scale (IUAS)” was given to 234 prospective preschool teachers. The data obtained by the Scale used in the study was analysed through the SPSS program package. The Independent t-test was used to test whether there is a significant correlation between pre-service teachers’ responses, their school types and conditions regarding their Internet access. In addition, One-Way ANOVA was used to test whether there is a significant correlation between student teachers’ responses and their Internet use level and the frequency of Internet use. The research established that significant differences can be detected with regard to the participants’ school types they attend, their Internet access conditions, their Internet literacy level and frequency of Internet use in most of the dimensions of the IUAS in question. As a final remark, some recommendations were made for researchers and teachers about how to integrate Internet technology.
Key words: Internet access, Internet literacy, Internet use frequency, Internet Use Attitude Scale, and Internet use level.
U današnje vrijeme, opće je poznato da je Internet najučinkovitiji i strahovito brz mrežni alat za pristup znanju na način drugačiji od tradicionalne učioničke nastave, zahvaljujući suvremenim dostignućima u telekomunikacijama i tehnologiji Interneta. Zbog toga je neizbježno integrirati te tehnologije u obrazovne programe i tako povećati uspjeh i primijeniti znanje. Cilj studije je steći cjelovito znanje o stavovima budućih odgojitelja djece predškolskog uzrasta u Turskoj o uporabi Interneta. U tu svrhu je 234 ispitanika, budućih odgojitelja djece predškolskog uzrasta, dobilo "Skalu stavova o uporabi Interneta" / “Internet Use Attitude Scale (IUAS)”. Podaci prikupljeni uporabom navedene Skale analizirani su uporabom SPSS programskog paketa. Uporabljen je Nezavisni t-test da bi se ustanovilo postoji li značajna korelacija između stavova budućih odgojitelja s obzirom na vrstu škole i uvjeta dostupnosti pristupa Internetu. Uz to je korišten i jednosmjerna ANOVA da bi se ustanovilo postoji li značajna korelacija među odgovorima ispitanika i njihovoj razini i učestalosti uporabe Interneta. Istraživanjem je ustanovljeno da postoji značajna razlika s obzirom na vrstu škole koju ispitanik polazi, uvjetima dostupnosti pristupa Internetu, razini Internetske pismenosti i učestalosti uporabe Interneta u većini dimenzija navedene IUA skale. Kao posljednji naputak, istraživačima i nastavnicima su dane neke preporuke o načinima integracije Internetske tehnologije.
Ključne riječi: Pristup Internetu, Internetska pismenost, učestalost uporabe Interneta, Skala stavova uporabe Interneta, razina uporabe Interneta.
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