The Use of Graphic Techniques with Preschool-Aged Children / Upotreba grafičkih tehnika s djecom predškolske dobi
This paper presents a short outline of graphic techniques, their characteristics and development. Examples of good teaching practice have been presented in the paper, especially the work of Italian designer and pedagogue Bruno Munari. In a very creative yet technically simple way, Munari offered children imprinting activities, both mechanical and digital, by the use of the printing machine. The second part of this paper is the analysis of the preliminary research which aimed to find out the level to which a group of female teachers were familiar with graphic techniques; the extent to which they used them in their work with children; and which are, according to the participants, possible obstacles in the use of graphic art techniques. For these purposes, a questionnaire was prepared and conducted on 35 female preschool teachers from a number of preschool institutions of the County of Istria. The results have shown that the participants evaluated their knowledge of the flat print as very good and the general knowledge of the deep print as very poor; the most frequently used are the high-end and flat print techniques, while the least used are the deep and digitalized print. According to preschool teachers, the largest percentage of suggested obstacles relates to the lack of equipment. Further research on a larger sample is suggested, while preschool teachers should be offered art training directed toward the adaptation and simplification of graphic techniques for preschool-aged children. We are of the opinion that this could increase the frequency of the graphic techniques offer and consequently enrich children’s creative processes.
Key words: Bruno Munari; mechanical and digital printing; preschool art pedagogy.
U ovom se radu iznosi kratak pregled grafičkih tehnika i pregled njihova razvoja. U radu su izneseni primjeri dobre prakse, posebice pedagoškoga rada talijanskog dizajnera i pedagoga Bruna Munarija koji je na vrlo kreativan i tehnički jednostavan način ponudio djeci stvaranje otiskivanjem kako mehanički tako i digitalno upotrebom fotokopirnog stroja. Naglasak je na analizi rezultata preliminarnog istraživanja u kojem se anketiranjem 35 odgojiteljica iz nekoliko predškolskih ustanova Istarske županije došlo do informacija o procjeni poznavanja, učestalosti upotrebe i eventualnih prepreka u ponudi grafičkih tehnika. Za potrebe istraživanja osmišljen je upitnik kojim se procjenjuje u kojoj mjeri odgojiteljice Istarske županije nude djeci grafičke tehnike za likovno stvaranje. Rezultati pokazuju kako anketirane odgajateljice procjenjuju malo i dobro poznavanje grafičkih tehnika, od kojih se najviše koriste tehnikom visokog i plošnog tiska, a najmanje dubokim i digitaliziranim tiskom. Prema procjeni odgojiteljica predložene prepreke nemaju veliki značaj, pa se najveći postotak odnosi na tehničku složenost kao malu prepreku ponudi grafičkih tehnika. Rezultati pokazuju kako se likovnim usavršavanjem odgojiteljica u smjeru prilagodbe i pojednostavljenja dobi djece predškolske dobi može povećati učestalost ponude pa samim time značajno obogatiti dječje stvaralačke procese.
Ključne riječi: Bruno Munari; likovna predškolska pedagogija; mehaničko i digitalno otiskivanje.
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