Karate Efficiency and the Development of Some Anthropological Features among 7th and 8th Grade Pupils in Elementary School/Efikasnost karatea u funkciji razvoja nekih antropoloških obilježja učenika 7. i 8. razreda osnovne škole

Marijana Čavala, Josefina Jukić, Bojan Babin, Nebojša Zagorac, Ratko Katić



The aim of this research is to identify significant anthropological factors important

for success in a karate fight by which we may obtain some information on the

complexity of karate in the latent structure significant in the application of karate

as a sport in education, and as part of curricular and extracurricular activities. For

this purpose, we applied a set of 18 anthropometrical measures, a set of 10 basic

motor tests, a set of 5 situation-related motor karate tests, a set of 8 performance

marks in 6 basic karate techniques and 2 karate kata on the sample of 105 pupils

aged 13-15 who, in addition to their physical education classes, have been engaged

in karate training for at least 4 years. By factor analyses in the morphological

domain, we isolated the ecto-mesomorphy factor and endomorphy factor; in

the basic motor domain we isolated the factor of general motor efficiency; in the

situation-related motor domain we isolated the factor of specific speed and the

factor of specific agility and in the domain of karate techniques performance marks,

we isolated the factor of technical efficiency. Further on, by applying canonical

discriminant analyses we established differences between quality and less quality

pupils - all active karate athletes in the complete domain of isolated factors. The

discriminant function showed that karate athletes of higher quality, compared

to those of lower quality, mostly differ in greater technical efficiency, followed by

greater basic and specific motor efficiency, in addition to having some less adipose


Key words: biomotor status; differences; factors; karate; physical education.






Cilj istraživanja je identificirati značajne antropološke faktore važne za uspjeh u

karate borbi, čime se mogu dobiti informacije o kompleksnosti karatea u latentnoj

strukturi važnoj za primjenu karate sporta u edukaciji, putem izvanškolskih i školskih

aktivnosti. Zato je na uzorku od 105 učenika RH koji se uz nastavu TZK najmanje

4 godine bave karateom, uzrasne dobi od 13 do 15 godina, primijenjen skup od

18 antropometrijskih mjera, skup od 10 temeljnih motoričkih testova, skup od 5

situacijskih motoričkih testova iz karatea, skup od 8 ocjena izvedbe 6 osnovnih karate

tehnika i 2 karate kate. Faktorska analiza je izolirala u morfološkom prostoru: faktor

ekto-mezomorfije i faktor endomorfije; u temeljnom motoričkom prostoru: faktor

generalne motoričke efikasnosti; u situacijskom motoričkom prostoru: faktor specifične

brzine i faktor specifične agilnosti; i u prostoru ocjena izvedbe karate tehnika:

faktor tehničke efikasnosti. Zatim su primjenom kanoničke diskriminativne analize

utvrđene razlike između kvalitetnih i manje kvalitetnih učenika – aktivnih karatista

u ukupnom prostoru izoliranih faktora. Diskriminativna je funkcija pokazala kako

se karatisti veće kvalitete u odnosu na karatiste manje kvalitetne najviše razlikuju u

većoj tehničkoj efikasnosti, zatim u većoj temeljnoj i specifičnoj motoričkoj efikasnosti

i koji imaju nešto manje masnog tkiva.

Key words: biomotorički status; karate; faktori; razlike; tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura.

Full Text:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v16i4.1614


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