Teacher Educator’s and Guidance Teachers’ Evaluation of Student Teachers’ Teaching Practice (A Qualitative Study) / Procjena nastavne prakse studenata – budućih učitelja – od mentora i savjetnika (kvalitativna studija)
The aim of this study was to determine whether student teachers are sufficiently prepared for teaching practice in primary schools. In this study, student teachers' teaching practice in real classrooms was evaluated by using observation and interview methods. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with seven guidance teachers, and each student teacher was observed in the classroom. The results of the study showed that student teachers possess sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge and they are ready for their future profession.
Key words: guidance teachers; pre-service teachers; pre-service training; teacher educators.
Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi jesu li studenti dovoljno spremni za učiteljsku praksu u osnovnim školama. U radu su metodom promatranja i intervjua procjenjivani postupci studenata - budućih učitelja - tijekom nastavne prakse u razredu. S tim ciljem provedeni su intervjui sa sedam savjetnika, a svaki je student promatran u učionici. Rezultati su pokazali da studenti posjeduju zadovoljavajuću razinu teorijskih i praktičnih znanja i da su spremni za nastavno zanimanje.
Ključne riječi: savjetnici; studenti učitelj;, nastavna praksa; obrazovanje nastavnika
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v15i0.127
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