The Portrait of Mothers and Fathers in Croatian Daily Newspapers and in a Magazine for Parents: Today and Twenty Years Ago / Portreti majki i očeva u hrvatskim dnevnim novinama i časopisu za roditelje: danas i prije dvadeset godina
The aim of the present study was to examine whether there has been a change in the representation of fathers and mothers in the Croatian press over the last twenty years. In particular, we wanted to examine how mothers and fathers have been presented in daily newspapers and a magazine for parents, and whether the current trend towards a greater involvement of fathers in raising children is noticeable in the Croatian press. In order to answer the research question we conducted a content analysis of two daily newspapers, and one magazine for parents. The obtained results show that the public image of the roles of mother and father has somewhat changed in the last twenty years. Although fathers have increasingly been shown as co-parents, it is obvious that we are still in a transition period with a number of ambivalences and contradictions regarding the role of the fathers.
Key words: Croatian daily newspapers; Croatian periodical newspapers; presentations of fathers; presentations of mothers.
SažetakCilj provedenog istraživanja bio je ispitati je li, u proteklih dvadeset godina, došlo do promjene načina prikazivanja majki i očeva u hrvatskom tisku. Osobito nas je zanimalo kako roditelje prikazuju dnevne novine i časopisi za roditelje, kao i je li u novinama primjetan trend većeg uključenja očeva u odgoj djece. Kako bismo odgovorili na istraživačka pitanja, provedena je analiza sadržaja dvoje dnevnih novina i jednog časopisa za roditelje. Rezultati pokazuju da se javna slika majčinske i očinske uloge ponešto promijenila u odnosu na stanje prije dvadeset godina. Međutim, premda novine sve češće prikazuju očeve kao skrbnike djece, još smo uvijek u tranzicijskom razdoblju u kojem postoje mnoge nedoumice i neslaganja u pogledu uloge oca. Ključne riječi: hrvatske dnevne novine; hrvatski mjesečni časopis; prikazivanje majki; prikazivanje očeva
The aim of the present study was to examine whether there has been a change in the representation of fathers and mothers in the Croatian press over the last twenty years. In particular, we wanted to examine how mothers and fathers have been presented in daily newspapers and a magazine for parents, and whether the current trend towards a greater involvement of fathers in raising children is noticeable in the Croatian press. In order to answer the research question we conducted a content analysis of two daily newspapers, and one magazine for parents. The obtained results show that the public image of the roles of mother and father has somewhat changed in the last twenty years. Although fathers have increasingly been shown as co-parents, it is obvious that we are still in a transition period with a number of ambivalences and contradictions regarding the role of the fathers.
Key words: Croatian daily newspapers; Croatian periodical newspapers; presentations of fathers; presentations of mothers.
SažetakCilj provedenog istraživanja bio je ispitati je li, u proteklih dvadeset godina, došlo do promjene načina prikazivanja majki i očeva u hrvatskom tisku. Osobito nas je zanimalo kako roditelje prikazuju dnevne novine i časopisi za roditelje, kao i je li u novinama primjetan trend većeg uključenja očeva u odgoj djece. Kako bismo odgovorili na istraživačka pitanja, provedena je analiza sadržaja dvoje dnevnih novina i jednog časopisa za roditelje. Rezultati pokazuju da se javna slika majčinske i očinske uloge ponešto promijenila u odnosu na stanje prije dvadeset godina. Međutim, premda novine sve češće prikazuju očeve kao skrbnike djece, još smo uvijek u tranzicijskom razdoblju u kojem postoje mnoge nedoumice i neslaganja u pogledu uloge oca. Ključne riječi: hrvatske dnevne novine; hrvatski mjesečni časopis; prikazivanje majki; prikazivanje očeva
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