Students’ Perception of the Higher Education Service Quality / Istraživanje percepcija studenata o kvaliteti usluge visokog obrazovanja
Changes in the higher education system resulted in higher education institutions having to pay more attention to their students. Keeping students and ensuring their satisfaction is the basis for sustainable success of higher education institutions. The aforementioned is the reason why this paper is focused on analyzing students’ perception of the quality of service in higher education. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze how students in the Croatian system of higher education perceive the quality of service and if there are differences with regard to individual characteristics of students. On the basis of HEdPERF instrument, data was collected for 1454 students from 93 higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia. Principle component analysis was conducted to define key dimensions of quality. Based on the results of the analysis, five dimensions were extracted: access, non-academic dimension, academic dimension, space and study programs, and reputation of a higher education institution. The second part of the research was based on exploring the impacts of the control variables on the perception of quality. The results have indicated the existence of a statistically significant difference between students’ perceptions for the majority of the observed control variables.
Key words: customers’ satisfaction; HEdPERF; principle component analysis; quality dimensions.
Promjene u visokoobrazovnom sustavu dovele su do situacije da visoka učilišta moraju sve više pažnje posvetiti svojim studentima. Zadržavanje studenata i osiguranje njihova zadovoljstva osnova su održivog uspjeha visokih učilišta. Stoga se u ovom radu analiziraju percepcije studenata o kvaliteti visokoobrazovne usluge. Osnovni je cilj rada istražiti kako studenti u hrvatskom sustavu visokog obrazovanja percipiraju kvalitetu usluge, te postoje li razlike s obzirom na pojedine osobine studenata. Na temelju HEdPERF instrumenta prikupljeni su podaci od 1454 studenta s 93 visoka učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Provedena je analiza glavnih komponenti kako bi se definirale ključne dimenzije kvalitete. Na temelju rezultata analize izdvojeno je pet dimenzija: dostupnost, neakademska dimenzija, akademska dimenzija, prostor i studijski programi, ugled visokog učilišta. Drugi dio istraživanja temeljio se na ispitivanju utjecaja kontrolnih varijabli na percepcije kvalitete. Rezultati su pokazali postojanje statistički signifikantne razlike između percepcija studenata za većinu promatranih kontrolnih varijabli.
Ključne riječi: analiza glavnih komponenata; dimenzije kvalitete; HEdPERF; zadovoljstvo korisnika
Changes in the higher education system resulted in higher education institutions having to pay more attention to their students. Keeping students and ensuring their satisfaction is the basis for sustainable success of higher education institutions. The aforementioned is the reason why this paper is focused on analyzing students’ perception of the quality of service in higher education. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze how students in the Croatian system of higher education perceive the quality of service and if there are differences with regard to individual characteristics of students. On the basis of HEdPERF instrument, data was collected for 1454 students from 93 higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia. Principle component analysis was conducted to define key dimensions of quality. Based on the results of the analysis, five dimensions were extracted: access, non-academic dimension, academic dimension, space and study programs, and reputation of a higher education institution. The second part of the research was based on exploring the impacts of the control variables on the perception of quality. The results have indicated the existence of a statistically significant difference between students’ perceptions for the majority of the observed control variables.
Key words: customers’ satisfaction; HEdPERF; principle component analysis; quality dimensions.
Promjene u visokoobrazovnom sustavu dovele su do situacije da visoka učilišta moraju sve više pažnje posvetiti svojim studentima. Zadržavanje studenata i osiguranje njihova zadovoljstva osnova su održivog uspjeha visokih učilišta. Stoga se u ovom radu analiziraju percepcije studenata o kvaliteti visokoobrazovne usluge. Osnovni je cilj rada istražiti kako studenti u hrvatskom sustavu visokog obrazovanja percipiraju kvalitetu usluge, te postoje li razlike s obzirom na pojedine osobine studenata. Na temelju HEdPERF instrumenta prikupljeni su podaci od 1454 studenta s 93 visoka učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Provedena je analiza glavnih komponenti kako bi se definirale ključne dimenzije kvalitete. Na temelju rezultata analize izdvojeno je pet dimenzija: dostupnost, neakademska dimenzija, akademska dimenzija, prostor i studijski programi, ugled visokog učilišta. Drugi dio istraživanja temeljio se na ispitivanju utjecaja kontrolnih varijabli na percepcije kvalitete. Rezultati su pokazali postojanje statistički signifikantne razlike između percepcija studenata za većinu promatranih kontrolnih varijabli.
Ključne riječi: analiza glavnih komponenata; dimenzije kvalitete; HEdPERF; zadovoljstvo korisnika
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