Modeling Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception of Future Internet Usage for Professional Educational Purposes / Modeliranje percepcije buduće stručne obrazovne uporabe interneta predavača početnika



This study sought to consider whether there are correlations between pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards the Internet, web pedagogical content knowledge, and the perception of future Internet usage for professional educational purposes. Using the stratified sampling method, 503 university students were selected to participate in the study. For the statistical analyses, structural equation modeling was utilized. Research results indicated that pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards the Internet were a positive predictor of their web pedagogical content knowledge. Also, the perception of future Internet use for professional educational purposes was explained by web pedagogical content knowledge and the attitudes towards the Internet. In conclusion, pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards the Internet use were found to positively affect the transfer of their web pedagogical content knowledge into the classes. In addition, results indicated that pre-service teachers’ web pedagogical content knowledge positively affects their Internet use for professional purposes. 
Key words: Internet attitude; Internet usage; web pedagogical content knowledge.
Ova studija razmatra tvrdnju da su stav inicijalnog predavača prema Internetu, pedagoško i predmetno tehnološko znanje i percepcija buduće stručne obrazovne uporabe interneta povezani. Sudionike istraživanja činila su 503 sveučilišna studenta. Primijenjeno je stratificirano uzorkovanje. Za statističke analize koristilo se modeliranje strukturalnim jednadžbama. Kao rezultat utvrđeno je da je pedagoško i predmetno tehnološko znanje inicijalnog predavača pozitivno predviđeno stavom prema Internetu. Štoviše, percepcija buduće stručne obrazovne uporabe interneta objašnjena je pedagoškim i predmetnim tehnološkim znanjem i stavom prema internetu. Ustanovljeno je da stav inicijalnog predavača prema korištenju interneta ima pozitivan utjecaj na prijenos pedagoškog i predmetnog tehnološkog znanja na predavanju. Također je ustanovljeno da pedagoško i predmetno tehnološko znanje inicijalnog predavača pozitivno utječe na njihovo korištenje interneta u zanimanju.
Ključne riječi: korištenje interneta; pedagoško i predmetno tehnološko znanje;  stav prema internetu.

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