The Effects of Applying the Vocal Performance Teaching Method on the Social-Emotional Competencies (SEC) of Children in Early Education/Efekti primjene metodičkog pristupa izvođenja glazbe pjevanjem na socioemocionalne kompetencije (SEK) učenika mlađeg šk
The authors of this study investigate the effects of applying the vocal performance teaching method on the social-emotional competencies (SEC) of second-grade pupils in elementary education. The study included a total of 89 pupils from Sombor and Kikinda, Serbia. The method of experimenting with parallel groups using initial and final tests was applied. A scale for the assessment of SEC and two-way mixed ANOVA were used to process the data. The experimental group (n=44) was subjected to the teaching method of learning songs by ear carried out by the music teacher, while the control group (n=45) learned the songs by ear based on the traditional model carried out by the class teacher for a period of one school year. The results showed significant differences in the level of SEC of students of the experimental group. By increasing the capacity for empathy, expression of pleasant emotions, better treatment of marginalized groups, collaboration with other students, the experimental teaching method has also encouraged the direction of the teaching process towards the goals, outcomes and effects, and not towards the adoption of ready-made knowledge.
Key words: emotions; singing; teacher as a performer; teaching of Music Education.
U ovoj studiji autori istražuju efekte primjene metodičkog pristupa prilikom izvođenja glazbe pjevanjem na socioemocionalne kompetencije učenika drugog razreda osnovne škole. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 89 učenika iz Sombora i Kikinde u Srbiji. Primijenjena je metoda eksperimenta s paralelnim skupinama s inicijalnim i finalnim testom. Skala provjere socioemocionalnih kompetencija i generalni linearni model korišteni su za obrađivanje podataka. Eksperimentalna skupina (n-44) bila je podvrgnuta modelu metodičkog pristupa učenja pjesme po sluhu od profesora glazbene kulture), a kontrolna je skupina (n-45) učila pjesmu po sluhu prema tradicionalnom modelu od učitelja, u trajanju od jedne školske godine. Rezultati pokazuju signifikantne razlike u pogledu razine socioemocionalnih kompetencija učenika eksperimentalne skupine. Eksperimentalni metodički pristup je povećanjem sposobnosti empatije, izražavanja ugodnih emocija, boljeg odnosa prema marginaliziranim skupinama, suradnju s drugim učenicima također potaknuo usmjeravanje nastavnog procesa na ciljeve, ishode i efekte, a ne na usvajanje gotovih znanja.
Ključne riječi: emocije, nastava glazbene kulture, nastavnik – realizator, pjevanje.
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