The Use of Participatory Methods in Researching the Experiences of Children and Young People / Upotreba participativnih metoda u istraživanju iskustava djece i mladih

Helen Cowie, Carmen Huser, Carrie-Anne Myers


Participatory research methods offer a very promising approach for gaining in-depth understanding of young people's lives. However, when adopting such approaches, researchers need to be aware of methodological and theoretical issues. The aim of this article is to present a discussion of ways in which participatory methods may be used as a research strategy when investigating young people's experiences and emotions. We explore the potential of these methods as well as some of their limitations.Key words: child empowerment; qualitative methods; unheard voices; youth engagement.
Participativne istraživačke metode nude vrlo obećavajući pristup dubinskom razumijevanju života mladih. Prilikom upotrebe takvih metoda istraživači trebaju biti svjesni metodoloških i teorijskih nedoumica. Cilj ovog članka je raspraviti o načinima na koji participativne metode mogu biti korištene kao strategija za istraživanje iskustava i emocija mladih. U radu će biti istražen potencijal tih metoda, kao i njihova ograničenja.
Ključne riječi: glasovi koji se ne čuju; kvalitativne metode; osnaživanje djece; uključenost mladih

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