The Effect of Computer-Assisted Instruction on 7th Grade Students’ Achievement and Attitudes toward Mathematics: The Case of the Topic “Vertical Circular Cylinder” / Utjecaj nastave uz pomoć računala na postignuća i stavove učenika sedmog razreda prema ma

Osman Birgin, Erhan Bozkurt, Ramazan Gürel, Adem Duru


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) regarding concepts of “surface area and volume of vertical circular cylinder” on seventh grade students’ achievement and attitudes toward mathematics. A pre-test and post-test control group with quasi-experimental study design was used. This research was carried out with 49 seventh grade Turkish students (24 students in the experimental group, and 25 students in the control group). The students in the experimental group were taught with CAI, while the students in the control group were taught in the traditional way (textbook-based direct instruction). The “Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT)” and the “Mathematics Attitude Scale (MAS)” were administered to both groups as a pre-test and a post-test. The data were analyzed with multivariate analysis of variance (MANCOVA). The results indicated that CAI significantly improved students’ mathematics achievement compared to the results achieved through traditional instruction. However, it was found that short-term CAI implementation did not make a significant difference on students’ attitudes toward mathematics. 
Key words: attitudes toward mathematics; computer-assisted instruction (CAI); mathematics achievement; mathematics education; seventh grade student. 
Cilj je ovoga rada ispitati učinak nastave uz pomoć računala na postignuća i stavove učenika sedmog razreda prema matematici kada se radi o pojmovima kao što su „oplošje i obujam uspravnog kružnog valjka“. Korišten je kvazieksperimentalan dizajn istraživanja koji je uključivao kontrolnu skupinu na kojoj je proveden predtest i posttest. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 49 učenika sedmog razreda u Turskoj (24 učenika u eksperimentalnoj skupini i 25 učenika u kontrolnoj skupini). Učenike u eksperimentalnoj skupini poučavalo se uz pomoć računala, a učenici u kontrolnoj skupini poučavani su na tradicionalan način (izravna nastava koja se temelji na udžbenicima). Na obje skupine proveden je „Test postignuća iz matematike“ i „Ljestvica za ispitivanje stavova prema matematici“, kao predtest i posttest. Podaci su analizirani multivarijatnom analizom varijance (MANCOVA). Rezultati upućuju na to da nastava uz pomoć računala značajno poboljšava postignuća učenika u matematici u usporedbi s rezultatima dobivenima provedbom tradicionalnog načina nastave. Međutim, pokazalo se da kratkotrajna primjena nastave uz pomoć računala nije značajno promijenila stavove učenika prema matematici.
Ključne riječi: matematičko obrazovanje; nastava uz pomoć računala; postignuća u matematici; stavovi prema matematici; učenik sedmog razreda.

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