Examples from Visual Surroundings as an Incentive for Children with Mild Intellectual Disability to Express their Creativity in the Art Domain/Primjeri iz vizualnog okruženja kao poticaj kreativnih sposobnosti kod djece s blažim intelektualnim teškoćama

Sanja Gagić, Mirjana Japundža-Milisavljević, Aleksandra Đurić-Zdravković



In getting to know the nature of children’s creative expression, we talk ever less about teaching creativity and more about the ways of stimulating, and the conditions that ought to be provided for creativity to be manifested. The aim of this work is to determine the difference in creative abilities of children with mild intellectual disability (MID) before and after visual prompting in the process of creating an art drawing. Creativity was assessed on a sample of 69 subjects, using the Test for creative thinking measured by drawing, and a drawing on the topic of “Peculiar flower”, designed specifically for the purpose of this research. After a detailed explanation, the children engaged in working on a drawing on the given topic, with no previous encouragement. After some time the children were prompted using various examples from their visual surroundings, after which they were told to make a drawing and be as creative as possible. Comparing the results obtained before and after prompting, we point out the importance of visual incentive for the expression of children’s creativity on all aspects of the flower drawing (color, shape, proportion and spatial distribution), as well as on certain aspects of Urban-Jellen test (completion, humor, material manipulation and non-stereotypical use of elements). Based on the results obtained in this research, we stress the importance of forming sensibility towards characteristics of objects and traits of the environment that can be perceived by eyesight, which would account for a good postulation for encouraging creative expression in the visual domain.

Key words: art; children with mild intellectual disability; creativity; drawing. 





S upoznavanjem prirode dječjeg kreativnog izražavanja sve se manje govori o podučavanju kreativnosti, a sve više o načinima poticanja i uvjetima koje treba osigurati da bi se ono izrazilo. Cilj je rada utvrditi razlike u kreativnim sposobnostima djece s blažim intelektualnim teškoćama (BIT) prije i nakon vizualnog poticanja pri izradi likovnog crteža. Na uzorku od 69 ispitanika kreativnost je procijenjena Testom za kreativno mišljenje kojim se mjeri crtanje i crtež na temu „Neobičan cvijet”, koji je oblikovan posebno za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Nakon detaljnog objašnjenja djeca su crtala likovni rad na zadanu temu bez prethodnog poticanja. Poslije određenog vremena djeca su poticana različitim primjerima iz vizualnog okruženja, nakon čega im je rečeno da nacrtaju što kreativniji crtež. Usporedbom dobivenih rezultata prije i poslije poticanja, ukazuje se na značaj vizualnog poticanja za izražavanje kreativnosti djece na svim aspektima Urban-Jelenova testa (dopunjavanje, humor, manipulacija materijalom i nestereotipna upotreba elemenata). Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata istraživanja ističemo važnost oblikovanja senzibiliteta prema osobinama predmeta i obilježjima okoline koji se mogu opažati osjetilom vida, što bi predstavljalo dobru pretpostavku za poticanje kreativnog izražavanja u vizualnom području.          Ključne riječi: djeca s blažim intelektualnim teškoćama; kreativnost; likovna kultura; crtež.







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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v17i0.1073


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