Evaluation of the HEDUQUAL Scale Intended for Assessment of Students’ Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education Institution in Vojvodina/Evaluacija HEDUQUAL skale namijenjene procjeni studentske percepcije kvaliteta usluga visokoškolskih ustanova

Milan Nešić, Zlatko Ahmetović, Velibor Srdić, Marko Badrić



This research was carried out in order to evaluate metric characteristics of the HEDUQUAL scale, whose purpose is to assess quality of service in higher education institutions. The same scale can be used for further research among student population. The research sample consisted of 257 students (of both sexes) from three higher education institutions from Autonomous Province (AP) Vojvodina. Metrics of the HEDUQUAL scale was tested via three procedures: 1) evaluation of the scale’s internal consistency (Scale Reliability Analysis which is based on Cronbach’s alpha coefficient); 2) evaluation of validity based on internal correlation coefficient of the scale (Spearman’s rank correlation – rho); and 3) factor analysis (analysis of the main components – Principal Components Analysis) using the method of Direct Oblimin rotation. All statistical conclusions were made at the level of significance of 0.05 (Sig.  .05). The results indicate that the tested instrument is valid, reliable and that it should be used as a multi-item and one-factor scale in further research on student population. 

Key words: HEDUQUAL scale; multi-item one-factor scale; reliability; students; validity. 



Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem provjere metrijskih karakteristika HEDUQUAL skale, koja je namijenjena procjeni kvaliteta usluga visokoškolskih ustanova. Ista skala posije bi se koristila za daljnja istraživanja među studentskom populacijom. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 257 studenata (oba spola) s tri visokoškolske ustanove iz AP Vojvodina. Metrijske karakteristike HEDUQUAL skale testirane su primjenom tri postupka: (1) provjerom njezine unutarnje konzistencije (Scale Reliability Analysis koja je utemeljena na Cronbachovu alfa koeficijentu); (2) provjerom valjanosti utemeljenom na koeficijentu unutarnje korelacije skale (Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije – rho); i (3) faktorskom analizom (analiza glavnih komponenti – Principal Components Analysis) s metodom kose rotacije (Direct Oblimin). Sva statistička zaključivanja provedena su na razini  značajnosti od 0,05 (Sig.  ,05). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je testirani instrument valjan i pouzdan te da se treba koristiti u daljnjim istraživanjima na studentskoj populaciji  kao jednofaktorska skala s više čestica.

Ključne riječi: HEDUSQUAL skala; jednofaktorska skala višestrukih čestica; pouzdanost; studenti; valjanost.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v19i3.2573


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