Internal Consistency and Retest Reliability of the Croatian Version of PAQ-C/Interna konzistencija i retest pouzdanost hrvatske inačice PAQ-C upitnika

Hrvoje Podnar, Mateja Kunješić, Ivan Radman



The aim of the study was to determine internal consistency and retest reliability of the Croatian version of PAQ-C on a sample of 6-10 years old children and to report physical activity levels of elementary school pupils. The same set of questions was administered to the pupils on two different occasions, three weeks apart. Both testing rounds for 8-10 years old pupils were conducted at school in the presence of an experienced researcher. In contrast, the 6-8 years old pupils took the questionnaires home and completed them with parental help. A total of 81 pupils (participation rate 65%) filled out the questionnaire at both time points. Internal consistency for the 6- to 8-year-old group, as assessed by Cronbach’s alpha, was .51 and .69 for the first and second measure, respectively. For the 8- to 10-year-old group, Cronbach’s alpha for the first and second measure was .77 and .75, respectively. Average Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) between total physical activity levels of the first and second measure was .56 (95% IC .05 – .76) and .75 (95%CI .54 – .86) for the 6- to 8-year-old and 8- to 10-year-old group, respectively. Results of the present study support the use of the Croatian version of PAQ-C to assess the physical activity levels of 8- to 10-year-old pupils. In contrast, the current evidence indicates that PAQ-C will not reliably assess parental-reported physical activity levels of children younger than 8 years.

Key words: elementary school pupils; physical activity levels; repeatability.



Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi internu konzistenciju i retest pouzdanost hrvatske inačice PAQ-C upitnika na uzorku djece u dobi od 6 do 10 godina te izvijestiti o razini tjelesne aktivnosti učenika razredne nastave. Isti set pitanja primijenjen je na učenicima dva puta s vremenskim razmakom od tri tjedna. Oba mjerenja učenika u dobi od 8 do 10 godina održana su u školi uz prisustvo iskusnog istraživača. Suprotno tome, učenici u dobi od 6 do 8 godina ispunjavali su upitnik kod kuće, uz pomoć roditelja. Ukupno 81 učenik (85 %) ispunio je upitnik u obje vremenske točke. Interna konzistencija procijenjena Cronbachovom alfom kod skupine u dobi od 6 do 8 godina iznosila je .51 za prvo mjerenje, odnosno .69 za drugo mjerenja. Kod skupine od 8 do 10 godina, za prvo mjerenje Cronbahova alfa iznosila je .77, a za drugo mjerenje .75. Prosječan Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) između rezultata ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti prvog i drugog mjerenja iznosio je 0.56 (95% IC .05 – .76) za skupinu u dobi od 6 do 8 godina, odnosno .75 (95%CI 0.54 – 0.86) za skupinu u dobi od 8 do 10 godina. Rezultati ovog istraživanja podupiru korištenje hrvatske inačice PAQ-C upitnika za procjenu razine tjelesne aktivnosti učenika u dobi od 8 do 10 godina. Nasuprot tome, trenutni dokazi upućuju na to kako PAQ-C upitnik neće pouzdano procijeniti razinu tjelesne aktivnosti učenika mlađih od 8 godina.

Ključne riječi: ponovljivost; razina tjelesne aktivnosti; učenici razredne nastave.

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