Differences in the Acoustic Characteristics of the Cries of Infants with Colic and the Cries of Healthy Infants / Usporedba karakteristika plača dojenčadi s kolikama i plača zdrave dojenčadi

Sonja Jovančević, Natalija Bolfan-Stošić, Milivoj Jovančević


A child's early development is the period during which various very important life processes appear. The first three years of a child's life are considered critical in a child's development, and they are affected by various factors in the child's environment. The leading role in this period is played by the parents. Their role is to get to know and to feel their newborn, as well as to establish a close relationship with the child to instil a feeling of safety and warmth in the environment where he or she will develop. The establishment of this link between a parent and a child begins as early as in pregnancy and continues throughout the childhood period. From the moment the child is born, the newborn sends important signals to his or her environment. In this paper, we focus on the acoustic analysis of the child's cry as the first and the most important signal a newborn uses to communicate with the environment and send different types of information. In our research, we attempt to analyse and distinguish between various types of cries of children with colic and the children who do not suffer from colic. The aim of the paper is to establish the differences in the characteristics of the cry of children with colic and the cry of healthy infants by using acoustic analysis programs, and to establish acoustic standards to differentiate between healthy and sick crying/voice for diagnostic purposes.
Key words: acoustic analysis; colic; cry; diagnostics; disorder.


Rani razvoj djeteta razdoblje je u kojem se javljaju razni kompleksni i vrlo važni životni procesi. Prve tri godine smatraju se kritičnim razdobljem u djetetovom razvoju koji je pod utjecajem različitih okolinskih faktora. Glavnu ulogu u tom razdoblju imaju roditelji. Njihova je uloga upoznati i osjetiti novorođenče i postići bliski odnos s njim kako bi dijete razvilo osjećaj sigurnosti i topline u okolini koja ga okružuje i u kojoj će se razvijati. Ostvarivanje takve povezanosti roditelja i djeteta počinje već u trudnoći i nastavlja se u djetinjstvu. Kada se dijete rodi, od samog početka, ono šalje važne znakove svojoj okolini. U ovom smo se radu usmjerili na akustičku analizu plača kao najvažnijeg i prvog znaka kojim dijete komunicira s okolinom i šalje različite informacije. Istraživanjem smo pokušali analizirati i razlikovati tipove plača djece s kolikama i djece bez kolika. Cilj ovog rada bio je programima akustičke analize utvrditi razlike u obilježjima plača djece s kolikama i plača zdrave dojenčadi te utvrditi akustičke standarde za razlikovanje zdravog od bolesnog plača/glasa u dijagnostičke svrhe.
Ključne riječi: akustička analiza; dijagnostika; kolike; plač; poremećaj

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v16i0.1170


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