A Psychoanalytic Approach to Education and Raising School Children of Divorced Parents / Psihoanalitički pristup odgoju i obrazovanju školske djece razvedenih roditelja

Aleksandra Mindoljevic Drakulic


The paper provides a summary of the initial stage of psychoanalysis development established by the Viennese physician Sigmund Freud. The author has primarily focused on Freud's structural theory of psychological organization: a tripartite organization of the human psyche id, ego and superego and the theory of psychosexual development. Within the scope of this theory, an attempt was made to give an overview of the dynamics of the psychoanalytic relationship between learning and pedagogical thoughts, from John Dewey to contemporary psychoanalytic pedagogues like Tamara Bibby and Deborah Britzman. Accordingly, the psychoanalytic discourse in relation to school children from divorced families, where divorce is seen as a process of separation-individuation in creating substitution triangular relationship between the child and a school teacher, has been considered.
Key words: divorce; psychoanalysis; school; school children.


U radu je sažeto prikazan početak razvoja psihoanalize bečkog liječnika Sigmunda Freuda. Autorica je ponajprije usmjerena na Freudovu strukturalističku teoriju psihičkoga ustrojstva: tripartitnu organizaciju ljudske psihe: id, ego i superego, kao i na teoriju psihoseksualnog razvoja. U tom se okviru obrađuje dinamika povezanosti psihoanalitičkoga učenja i pedagogijske misli, od Johna Deweya do suvremenih psihoanalitičkih pedagoga poput Tamare Bibby i Deborah Britzman. U skladu s tim razmatra se i psihoanalitički diskurs u odnosu na školsku djecu iz razvedenih obitelji, pri čemu se razvod promatra kao proces separacije-individualizacije i stvaranja supstitucijskoga triangularnog odnosa školskog djeteta i nastavnika.
Ključne riječi: psihoanaliza; razvod roditelja; škola; školska djeca

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v16i0.1141


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